Hello and welcome
Here you will find courses and tutorials on many topics related to the clarinet and more are coming all the time!
Available so far are:
Work in progress:
and more...
Take a look around and check out the free videos!
Three videos, 33 minutes in total.
For Boehm and German system.
Video 1 - Air
Video 2 - Fingers
Video 3 - with emotion, please
16,00 Euro
Three videos, 33 minutes in total
For Boehm and German system
Video 1 - Sound and position
Video 2 - Speed
Video 3 - Staccato yes, but please be flexible
16,00 Euro
Four videos, 38 minutes in total.
For Boehm and German system.
Video 1 - Love greetings to your body
Video 2 - the most important comes now
Video 3 - the most common mistake
Video 4 - your body
16,00 Euro
Two videos, 20 minutes in total.
For Boehm and German system.
Video 1 - the most important steps
Video 2 - Advanced editing
16,00 Euro
Three videos. 30 minutes in total.
For Boehm and German system.
Video 1 - Dynamics, the opposite of boredom.
Video 2 - the practice
Video 3 - Step and accent dynamics
16,00 Euro